Money Management

Money management starts with goals, because if you don’t have a plan, you won’t achieve your goals. You should set

  • short (less than one year)
  • medium (one to five years) and
  • long term (five to ten years) goals.

Goals must be SMART:

  • Specific – dollar amounts, due dates;
  • Measurable – can determine if success has been achieved;
  • Attainable – reasonable, based on income and expenses;
  • Relevant – makes sense based on lifestyle;
  • Tentative – flexible enough to be changed if necessary.

Some examples:

A short term goal would be to save $120 in the next three months so that you have the cash to renew your vehicle license sticker on your birthday

A medium term goal would be to save $100 per month for the next three years towards your child’s post-secondary education.

A long term goal would be to contribute $50 per month to an RRSP for the next ten years so that you have some retirement funds.

Money Management starts with a budget. If you’d like help with that refer to our section with helpful budgeting tips and tools.