What Debts Can Be Discharged by a Licensed Insolvency Trustee?

Explore which debts can be eliminated through bankruptcy or a consumer proposal in Canada. Learn about unsecured debts typically discharged, such as credit card balances, personal loans, tax debts and payday loans. Understand which debts are not dischargeable, including recent student loans, court-ordered alimony, and child support. Discover how secured debts like mortgages and car loans are handled in insolvency proceedings. This section provides essential knowledge to help you understand which of your debts can be eliminated through various debt relief options.

Unsure which of your debts can be eliminated? Reach out to Hoyes Michalos for a free debt assessment. Our Licensed Insolvency Trustees will review your debts and explain your options for debt relief.

A Complete Guide To Joint Debts

Are you and your partner considering a joint debt, like a credit card? It's important to know your financial and legal responsibilities here, so we created a guide on what you need to know before co-signing.

Dealing with Gambling Debt

Are you struggling with debts that stem from gambling? Find out how one of our clients was able to eliminate his gambling debts through a consumer proposal and how he successfully rebuilt his credit.