Stop Debt Collection Calls For Good

How to Stop Calls From Debt Collection Agencies

Are you tired of receiving calls from collection agencies? Would you like to finally end these calls for good? If creditors and collection agencies are harassing you it might be time to make a debt repayment plan to deal with all of your debts.

Here’s how to stop collection agency calls, eliminate your debt and get your financial house in order.

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Make a deal directly with the collection agent.

If the debt is yours, and you can afford to repay it you can work directly with the collection agency to negotiate a debt repayment plan. Here are some strategies you can use if you are going to talk direct with a collection agent and propose a settlement on your own.

  • Don’t ignore collection agency phone calls or letters. Ignoring calls can lead to legal action including a wage garnishment – that will damage your reputation at work.
  • Treat collection agents the same way you like to be treated – in a forthright and professional manner
  • Don’t be bullied into making commitments you know you can’t keep.
  • Keep the commitments you do make, but if you can’t be certain to explain the reasons to the collection agent.
  • Be sure you owe the debt. Ask for a written, detailed notice from the collection agency if you have questions about a debt. Advise the collection agency you will not pay unless they can prove that you owe the money.

If you are not comfortable negotiating even small debts on your own, you can consider talking with a credit counsellor for help doing so through a debt management plan. You will be required to repay the full amount you owe through a credit counselling agency.

File a consumer proposal.

Debt never goes away on its own. If you are dealing with more than $10,000 in debts, and would like to make an arrangement to repay a portion of those debts then a consumer proposal is a viable, safe debt settlement option. As a government debt relief program, you receive protection from your creditors as soon as you file your proposal.

Once a proposal is filed, your creditors are notified. Collection calls typically stop within a week or two as the companies notify all their employees and agents.  If they do call, all you need to say is you filed a consumer proposal and give them the name of your trustee. If they don’t stop calling, talk with your trustee. At Hoyes Michalos, we will reach out to any collection agencies or creditors who might continue to bother you once you file.

File for bankruptcy.

If you are receiving calls from many creditors and cannot afford to make an arrangement with your creditors, bankruptcy may be an option to eliminate your debts so you can have a fresh start free from creditor calls.

Since bankruptcy provides a stay of proceeding, all collection calls, and any other legal action like a wage garnishment, stop.

Debt Collection Calls: Know Your Rights

Why do Collection Agencies Keep Calling Me?

Bill collectors are calling because you owe money. They often are paid a commission for every dollar they collect, so they will keep calling and sending letters as long as they believe they have a chance to collect money from you.

Most collection agencies in Ontario today use computerized “auto dialers”, so if you don’t answer, the computer puts your name back on the list, and you are called again in an hour. That’s why ignoring collection calls doesn’t work: they just keep calling!

If you are receiving collection calls it is important to know your rights about how collection agencies must deal with you. Rules that govern collection calls vary by province but in Ontario:

  1. Collections agencies must be registered with the Ontario government.
  2. They must first send you a notice in writing through regular mail (email does not count).
  3. This notice must say who you owe money to (your creditor), the amount you owe, the name of the collection agency and the fact that they have permission from the creditor to collect the debt.
  4. Collection agencies must wait 6 days before they can contact you.
  5. After you speak with them the first time, debt collectors can only contact you a maximum of 3 times in 7 days without your express consent.
  6. Contact includes talking with you, leaving a message or sending an email.

A collection agency can’t:

  • contact you on a Sunday, except between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m.
  • contact you on any other day of the week between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.
  • contact you on a holiday
  • use threatening, profane, intimidating or coercive language
  • use undue, excessive or unreasonable pressure or harass you
  • charge you any fees

Eliminate Debt. Stop the Collection Calls!

Know when you need professional help.

  • If your debt problems have become too big to cope with on your own;
  • If dealing with collection agencies is more than you can handle;
  • If you have unanswered questions about debt and bankruptcy;
  • If you are not sure about your options for managing your debt.

Contact us for a free consultation.

A Licensed Insolvency Trustee is trained in all the different Ontario debt relief options and bankruptcy is just one of them. In fact, the majority of people who contact us at Hoyes, Michalos & Associates are able to successfully resolve their debts without ever filing bankruptcy.

If you want to stop the collection calls for good, your next step is to simply call or email us and take advantage of our FREE, professional consultation. One of our experts will review your situation today, and it’s private, confidential, and no-obligation.

You deserve a brighter, more secure future and we can help you get there. Just give us a call today and let’s get started!

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