Filing For Bankruptcy In Canada

How to File Bankruptcy – The Bankruptcy Process

Filing for bankruptcy does not have to be a scary process. In fact, the act of declaring bankruptcy is a positive step towards eliminating overwhelming debts.

Choosing bankruptcy is an important decision that involves careful consideration of your financial situation, the effects of claiming bankruptcy, and whether it’s the best option for you.

Bankruptcy in Canada is a legal process in which a debtor assigns non-exempt assets for the benefit of his creditors in exchange for which he will be discharged from most debts. It is regulated by the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. The purpose of the Act is to permit an honest, but unfortunate, debtor to obtain a bankruptcy discharge from his or her debts, subject to reasonable conditions.

Bankruptcy in Canada must be filed through a Licensed Insolvency Trustee. The trustee’s role in the process is to act as a sort of referee, ensuring that both the debtor and the creditors, are treated fairly and evenly.

Reasons for Filing Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be filed voluntarily or involuntarily. With voluntary choices, insolvent individuals cannot meet financial obligations, recognize a need for debt relief and initiate the filing process for bankruptcy or consumer proposal. Involuntary bankruptcy is initiated by creditors when they believe the debtor cannot pay what they owe. It should be noted, however, that it is rare for a creditor to petition an individual into personal bankruptcy unless very large debts are involved.

Bankruptcy is a strategic choice in certain financial circumstances, and most people file voluntarily. Reasons to file may include:

  • Eliminating unsecured debts: Bankruptcy discharges most unsecured debts, such as credit card balances, payday loans and taxes owed.
  • Stopping wage garnishments: Wage garnishments from unpaid debts stop as soon as the bankruptcy process begins.
  • Stopping collection action: Bankruptcy protects from creditor collection actions such as phone calls and legal actions.
  • Gaining credit counselling: Mandatory credit counselling aids financial recovery by improving financial understanding and management.
  • Becoming debt-free: By discharging eligible debts, bankruptcy allows you to rebuild your credit and work toward financial goals.

Steps to Filing Bankruptcy in Canada

There are 5 basic steps to filing bankruptcy with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee in Canada:

  1. Get a free debt assessment,
  2. Sign the paperwork to declare bankruptcy,
  3. The trustee files these documents with the government starting your creditor protection,
  4. Complete your bankruptcy duties, then
  5. Obtain your Certificate of Discharge which eliminates your debts.

Get a free debt assessment

To start the bankruptcy process, first, you contact a Hoyes, Michalos & Associates licensed insolvency trustee who will assess your financial situation and explain the debt relief options available to you, including bankruptcy and alternatives to bankruptcy.

During a free debt assessment with our team, we assess your financial circumstances to understand your standing. We consider factors such as:

  • The total amount of your current outstanding debts and the types of credit
  • How your income sources affect your ability to meet financial obligations
  • How regular or outlying expenses affect your ability to make payments
  • The value of your assets and potential methods of gaining asset protection

After that, if you still want to declare bankruptcy, the trustee will help you complete several bankruptcy forms for signing. You are considered a bankrupt only when the trustee files the bankruptcy paperwork with the Official Receiver.

Rules pertaining to declaring bankruptcy and the bankruptcy process allow for filing a joint assignment. A joint bankruptcy assignment allows debtors, involved in a close financial relationship, to file for bankruptcy and to see their files dealt with as one file. This is available to debtors if their debts are substantially the same and the bankruptcy trustee believes it is in the best interest of the debtors and creditors.

What forms do I sign to declare bankruptcy?

When filing for bankruptcy in Canada, you will have to sign at least two forms. One is an “Assignment”, and the other is a “Statement of Affairs”. In the bankruptcy assignment, you state that you are handing over all of your property to the bankruptcy trustee for the benefit of your creditors. The statement of affairs is a list of your assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. You will also have to answer several questions about your family, employment, and disposition of assets. Before signing, make sure you understand the legal documents that are part of the bankruptcy file. Although the trustee prepares them from the information you provide, they are your statements. You are responsible for the accuracy of their content. Once these documents have been filed with the Official Receiver, you are legally bankrupt, and, at this point, the bankruptcy process cannot be reversed without a court order. Keep copies of notices and all other bankruptcy documents the trustee sends you.

What happens after I file bankruptcy?

Your stay of proceedings begins immediately after your bankruptcy is filed with the government. That means collection calls stop and your trustee can notify your employer to stop a wage garnishment if needed.

After filing, you stop making payments to your unsecured creditors and make your bankruptcy payments instead. 

Read more: What debts are included in a bankruptcy?

Completion of Duties

Once you are legally bankrupt, you are required to perform the bankruptcy duties as outlined in Appendix I of the Act. The trustee will inform you of these duties but generally, they include making your bankruptcy payments, providing information about your monthly budget, attending two credit counselling sessions, and keeping the trustee notified of any material changes to your situation.

Your Responsibilities During Bankruptcy

Throughout bankruptcy, you must attend two credit counselling sessions to learn how to rebuild and manage your finances, usually at the 1- and 6-month mark. You must provide monthly income and expense statements so your trustee can calculate your surplus income and ensure compliance with your bankruptcy terms. Bankruptcy assigns you the lowest possible credit score, and you must disclose your status if applying for credit beyond $500.

Meeting of Creditors

Generally, a meeting of creditors is not necessary, but there may be instances where such a meeting will be held. (A creditors’ meeting is only held in about one personal bankruptcy out of 1,000, and generally only if you have significant tax debt). Creditors or the Official Receiver may request one after filing bankruptcy. If a meeting of creditors is called, you must attend this meeting. You may also be required to go to the Official Receiver’s office to answer several questions under oath about your financial affairs.

If a meeting is called, the next step in the bankruptcy process will be preparing a report about your assets and liabilities for the creditors by your bankruptcy trustee, and creditors may ask you related questions. The creditors will then vote to either confirm the trustee’s appointment or substitute a trustee of their choice. The creditors will then have an opportunity to vote for the appointment of inspectors. They may also give directions to the trustee with reference to the administration of the bankruptcy estate.

Examination with the Official Receiver

During the bankruptcy process, the Official Receiver may send you a notice instructing you to appear before him or her for an examination under oath. The Official Receiver will then ask you a number of questions about the causes of your bankruptcy, conduct, disposition of property, and the nature of your debts.

An examination occurs in about 1 out of every 300 bankruptcies, and in most cases, the bankrupt is selected randomly. If the government selects you for an examination, your Hoyes, Michalos trustee will meet with you prior to your examination to review the questions you are likely to be asked, and help prepare you for the examination.

When is a Bankrupt Discharged?

There will be an automatic bankruptcy discharge for a first-time bankrupt nine months after they became bankrupt unless the trustee recommends a discharge with conditions or it is opposed by either a creditor, the trustee or the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. In addition, if you have surplus income of more than $200 per month, your bankruptcy will be extended to 21 months in the case of a first bankruptcy.

Schedule a Free Debt Assessment

Still have questions? See our Personal Bankruptcy FAQ page or contact us for a free consultation. We are happy to answer any questions you have about filing bankruptcy over the phone or by email.

Hoyes, Michalos has helped over 60,000 individuals file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal since 1999. Our licensed bankruptcy trustees always take the time to answer any questions you have about how to file for bankruptcy and how bankruptcy will affect you and your family. Contact us so we can help you make a plan to be debt free.

Ready to file? Hoyes Michalos provides bankruptcy services in the following locations:

Other service areas

We offer the convenience of phone and video-conferencing only services for the following additional areas. Many people find it advantageous to begin the initial consultation and debt assessment over the phone or by video. If you decide to file, you can sign and complete your paperwork electronically. Credit counselling sessions can also be completed through video conferencing, which eliminates the need to miss work or schedule a time to attend the office.

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“My husband and I found Hoyes Michalos to be great to deal with. I was really upset the day of our first appointment. Alison made me feel at ease and I actually walked out feeling like we were finally doing something positive. We ended up filing a bankruptcy. We’ve been making my payments for a while now, and have our second credit counselling session coming up. Any time I’ve phoned in the team at Hoyes Michalos has been both polite and friendly. My overall experience has been good, it sure beats dealing with the creditors that were calling. I’d recommend Hoyes Michalos to anyone who has a lot of debt they want to get rid of.”