Should You File Bankruptcy in Canada if Living Abroad?

Should You File Bankruptcy in Canada if Living Abroad?

If you owe a debt in Canada, but live elsewhere in the world, should you ignore past due Canadian debts you can’t afford to pay, or can you file bankruptcy in Canada when living abroad? As the Licensed Insolvency Trustee in charge of our Windsor office, Rebecca Martyn deals with a lot of cross-border consumer insolvency questions and is often contacted by Canadians living across the border who receive multiple creditor calls a day on their Canadian debts. Rebecca explains the requirements for filing a Canadian bankruptcy when living in the United States, the principles of which apply to those living in any country outside of Canada.

Requirements to file bankruptcy when living outside Canada

Canadian bankruptcy law states that you can declare bankruptcy in Canada if:

  1. You have conducted business in Canada in the past year, or
  2. You have been a resident of Canada within the past year, or
  3. The majority of your assets are in Canada.

Practically, this can be interpreted fairly broadly. For example, you may have a mailing address in Canada, you may have assets in storage in Canada, or you may still be employed by a Canadian company but working abroad.

Logistically, to file bankruptcy in Canada when living in a foreign country, you will need to:

  • Provide a Canadian address for reporting purposes.
  • Meet, in person, with a Licensed Insolvency Trustee at least once prior to filing. An initial assessment can be completed over the phone however one face-to-face meeting is required under bankruptcy law to complete the assessment process and obtain your signature on all filing documents.
  • Attend, in person, two required counselling sessions.
  • Attend any creditor meeting or discharge hearing that is requested, although these are rare. You must commit to returning to Canada when required to complete any bankruptcy duties.
  • Declare all of your assets, including those outside of Canada. It’s important to note that your Trustee is legally required to realize on your assets, regardless of whether or not they are in Canada, and sell them for the benefit of your Canadian creditors although logistically the trustee may or may not choose to do so if realization is unlikely.
  • Report all of your debts, including monies owed in and outside of Canada. You may have to file bankruptcy in Canada to deal with Canadian debts, and file bankruptcy in the US to deal with US debts.  If you do, it is best to coordinate the filing between both countries.

Read More: Filing for Bankruptcy in Canada

Once you’ve signed up for either bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, you can remain living the United States or other foreign country, although you will likely be required to maintain a bank account in Canada to make your necessary payments.

And, contrary to popular belief, you will not be stopped at the Canadian border upon entering just because you have unpaid Canadian debts.

What Happens if You Don’t File?

Can Canadian creditors sue you in a foreign country?

The first question is should you file bankruptcy in Canada when you live outside Canada, or can you just ignore your Canadian debts?

Canadian creditors and collection agencies can, and will, continue to call you to collect on overdue debts, assuming they can find you.

Suing you from a foreign country can be a little more complicated. Your Canadian creditor must first sue you in Canada; then they have to bring that lawsuit over to the United States (or other foreign jurisdiction) to get the foreign court to certify the suit, after which they can pursue you for collection where you live. Not surprisingly, this is a costly process requiring an understanding of foreign collection laws and the engagement of lawyers from another country, so it is rarely done.

Your Canadian creditor can file a lawsuit in Canada, and if you do not, or are unable to defend that suit, they can obtain a judgment against you, even for old debts.  To avoid a judgment or lawsuit, it’s best to deal with your debts by speaking to a Licensed Insolvency Trustee early about your options.

Do Canadian debts show on a US creditor report?

Although there are credit reporting companies that operate in both Canada and the US, like Equifax, your Canadian debts do not get reported to US credit bureaus and vice-versa. There is no cross-border reporting between credit bureaus at present. That means, while you may have a low credit score in Canada, it’s certainly possible for you to build and obtain credit in another country. However, your Canadian debts will negatively impact your Canadian credit score, which is something to consider if you plan to return to Canada.

If you intend to return to Canada, have significant Canadian debts, or wish to stop harassing credit calls, it may make sense to eliminate those debts by filing bankruptcy in Canada. Rebecca generally recommends filing for bankruptcy before you move if possible. This reduces the number of trips to Canada to deal with the insolvency process and reduces the complications of dealing with cross-border issues.

For more detailed information on how to file for bankruptcy on Canadian debt if you live outside of Canada tune in to today’s podcast or read the completed transcription below or feel free to contact one of our Licensed Insolvency Trustees.

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FULL TRANSCRIPT – Show 216 Should You File Bankruptcy in Canada if Living Abroad?

should you file bankruptcy for Canadian debt?

Doug Hoyes:     A few weeks ago I got a phone call from Rebecca Martyn, and she told me that in the past week she had received four calls from people who used to live in Canada and now they live in the U.S. and they have Canadian debts that they can’t pay and they want to know what are their options.

Rebecca and I talked about the exact opposite issue back on episode number 123, which aired in January 2017, that show was about what happens if you live in Canada but have U.S. debts. I’ll put a link to that episode in the show notes over at

So if we’re getting calls about it it must be an issue, so today we’ll get some practical advice on how to deal with Canadian debt if you live outside of Canada, can you just default on it, ignore it or do you need to go bankrupt, that’s out topic today. Rebecca Martyn, welcome back. Since it’s been over a year and a half since you’ve been on the show, please tell the listeners what Hoyes Michalos office you run and how long you’ve been with us.

Rebecca Martyn:    I run the Windsor office and I just celebrated my 15th anniversary with Hoyes Michalos.

Doug Hoyes:          Fifteen years with Hoyes Michalos. So there you go, Rebecca’s been doing this a while, she knows what she’s talking about. So this issue of Canadian and U.S. debt is something that you see frequently because of course Windsor is a border city, just across the river from Detroit. Did I say Detroit right, there?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yes, you did.

Doug Hoyes:          It’s not Detroit. So I mean you can literally stand in downtown Windsor and see the skyline over the Detroit River, see the skyline of downtown Detroit, so I assume it’s very common or not unusual for you to see people who either work in Canada or the U.S. while living in the other country. So that’s a common thing you see?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah, it’s quite common. There’s two things that happen, either the person lives in Windsor, works in the U.S., and inevitably what can happen is you meet someone who lives in the U.S., you decide then to pull up stakes in Canada and just settle in Detroit or some place outside of Detroit.

Doug Hoyes:          Excellent. So let’s go through a bunch of questions here and you can tell us how to deal with debt when you’re in that situation. So let’s say I’m a Canadian, I’ve incurred some debt in Canada, you know, credit cards, bank loans, whatever, and now I live in the United States, so I mean the obvious option in my mind is I just ignore it.

So if I ignore it what will happen, so how easy is it for a Canadian creditor, a Canadian bank for example, to collect money from me if I live in the United States?

Rebecca Martyn:    It’s not easy. I mean they can call you, they can harass you, but what they have to do is they have to sue you in Canada and then they have to bring that lawsuit over to the U.S. and then get the U.S. court to certify that lawsuit, and at that point then they can pursue you. So yes, it can be done, but it’s expensive so it’s not something that I see very often, in fact I’ve only seen it once.

Doug Hoyes:          Okay, so very unusual to do that. It’s very easy to sue someone in Canada if you’re in Canada because if I’m the big bank I’ve got a lawyer who goes to that court in Windsor, you know, every two days, so suing people is easy, but to go to Michigan or Delaware, wherever the person’s living, completely different situation. So and – so okay, ignoring it means they might sue me but you say that’s a very unusual circumstance, how is that going to affect my credit report?

Rebecca Martyn:    It won’t, there’s no cross-border reporting between Equifax Canada and Equifax U.S.

Doug Hoyes:          So my Canadian debts are on my Canadian Equifax or TransUnion report, my U.S. debts are on in effect a completely separate report?

Rebecca Martyn:    That’s correct.

Doug Hoyes:          Even though it still says Equifax or TransUnion, there’s no cross-merging of it. So and I believe I did a show on that last year about some guys who were using blockchain to coordinate credit so that it’ll actually be something that becomes a world-wide thing, but at the moment that’s not the case. So if I was to just ignore my debts, so I’m a Canadian now living in the U.S., I could just ignore them and it’s not going to show up on my Canadian – well it’ll show up on my Canadian credit report but I’m not living there anymore.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right.

Doug Hoyes:          So I guess a big part of it is am I coming back or not.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right. Well part of it is that yes you’re coming back, and I think the other part is most people don’t just want to ignore it, they want to deal with it somehow because even though it’s going to be hard to sue them, they’re still going to call you. So what do you have to do to get those maybe five or six phone calls a day, which does happen, those five or six phone calls a day stopped.

Doug Hoyes:          Yeah and anybody who has debts in Canada knows that, if you don’t pay then the robo-dialer is calling you every hour or every two hours, if you don’t pick up it just calls you again.

So okay, so if I just ignore it, if I’m going to live in the U.S. for an extended period of time, meh, I’m not going to be able get credit in Canada because I guess my credit report in Canada’s going to look lousy, but I am still going to be getting phone calls if they know my U.S. phone number, I guess if I brought my cell phone with me or if they can track me down.

So there is certainly the nuisance factor, and obviously if I ever plan to come back to Canada, if I’ve ignored my Canadian debts, well by the time I come back to Canada –

Rebecca Martyn:    They’re waiting for you.

Doug Hoyes:          Yeah, it’s going to be a mess. So if I’m going to be away for a long time, the Limitations Act in Ontario says you have to sue someone within two years of when they stopped paying. So if I’m going to be gone for a long time and they don’t sue me before I get back, I guess they’re not going to be able to get a judgement against me when I get back, but my credit report’s going to look lousy.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right. Well and the issue too is even though it’s been two years, they serve – they serve the notice on you they’re suing you, you don’t defend yourself, they’re still going to get judgement against you. So you have to be able to come back, file that statement of defence saying it’s been over two years. So it can be done, but it’s still a lot of work.

Doug Hoyes:          Yeah, valid point. So okay, so what you’re saying is – okay, let’s take the scenario that I actually want to deal with it then, I don’t want to just put my head in the sand, I may be coming back to Canada or I’d just like to deal with it, I don’t want to have to deal with phone calls, you know, anything like that, so what are my options then?

Rebecca Martyn:    So your options are essentially the same as if you were living in Canada. You can deal with a credit counsellor to try to file a debt management plan, which can be done online. You can just try to negotiate with the creditors on your own, so you might have a certain amount of money stashed aside in the U.S. that you’re able to settle your debts for so many cents on the dollar. There’s some logistical issues but you can still do bankruptcy, you can still do a consumer proposal.

Doug Hoyes:          Okay, so let’s talk about the bankruptcy and the consumer proposal then. So what does the law say about who can file a bankruptcy in Canada?

Rebecca Martyn:    The wording states you have to have resided for the past year in Canada or carry on business in Canada or where – your locality is considered where your assets are.

Doug Hoyes:          So reside or carry on business in Canada –

Rebecca Martyn:    Correct –

Doug Hoyes:          Within the last year. So if I’ve lived in the United States for three years, I would not necessarily be eligible to file a bankruptcy in Canada today?

Rebecca Martyn:    True, but then you go to that second part, where you have assets located. So if you live in Ohio let’s say but you still have a Windsor address maybe for mailing purposes, maybe you have something in storage, technically you are still allowed to file and the OS – the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy has been allowing it.

Doug Hoyes:          Okay. So if I want – let’s go through that then. So I decide, you know what, I want to file bankruptcy or a consumer proposal, either one in that scenario, so if I have a post office box or, you know, maybe my mother still lives here and I come and visit her three times a month and, you know, I’ve been using her address for years, living at her house or whatever, then I could still legally file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah, absolutely.

Doug Hoyes:          And when you do a bankruptcy filing, you’ve got to put the person’s address on it –

Rebecca Martyn:    Right –

Doug Hoyes:          That gets sent into the system, it has to be a Canadian address?

Rebecca Martyn:    Right.

Doug Hoyes:          So that’s really the key then, I have to have –

Rebecca Martyn:    That’s exactly it.

Doug Hoyes:          Okay. I have to have a Canadian address that I can put on the paperwork, so assuming I can do that, then I’m good to go. Now, whether you should actually file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal, that’s not the topic for this show, that’s – well in fact let’s talk about that because I know what the rules are, I’m a licensed insolvency trustee, so are you, the rule is before you can file a bankruptcy or consumer proposal you have to meet in person with a licensed insolvency trustee to be assessed.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right.

Doug Hoyes:          How can I do that if I’m in the United States?

Rebecca Martyn:    You drive.

Doug Hoyes:          You come here?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah, you come here, it’s as easy that and the people that I see mostly are within an easy driving distance, Michigan, like you said, it’s five minutes away from the office, Ohio is only an hour away. So the most recent person I met, she actually was from Ohio. She had lived in Windsor back in 2009, she got a job in the U.S., met her partner, decided to get married, pulled up stakes in Windsor, moved to Ohio.

Now working in Ohio, everything is going great, about six months ago she lost her job, she hasn’t been able to find another one, creditor calls are overwhelming and that was one of the four people that contacted me that week which led to this podcast, she calls up, “What can I do”. We go through all the options, we talked on the phone for quite a while, she was coming to Windsor anyway, so we met, we met in person and she decided to file for bankruptcy.

Doug Hoyes:          So get in your car, get on an airplane, whatever it is, come to see you. So you have to come and meet with you to be assessed and then obviously to file the paperwork.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right.

Doug Hoyes:          We all know that there are two credit counselling sessions, what are now called BIA, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act counselling sessions that are part of the process whether it’s a bankruptcy or consumer proposal, and those are traditionally done in person as well.

Rebecca Martyn:    Correct.

Doug Hoyes:          So, and then there could also be other requirements, there could be a creditor meeting for example, that’s a highly unusual circumstance in a proposal but it could happen, there could be a discharge hearing. So there may be other occasions where you need to return to Canada to deal with those in person meetings.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right. So as long as the person’s prepared to commit to having to come back whenever is needed then it’s not an issue.

Doug Hoyes:          And so is that a common thing, like do you see – I mean obviously this particular person you’re talking about was a very recent case, is it something you would encounter one or two times a year, more than that, less than that?

Rebecca Martyn:    More than that, but it seems – like you said, it seems to come kind of in waves. There was maybe a month where I hadn’t heard from anyone, and then in a week literally I heard from four people.

Doug Hoyes:          Got you.

Rebecca Martyn:    So I’m not sure if things just came back on some creditor’s radar or what the situation was.

Doug Hoyes:          Well I know it’s very common for creditors to sell their old accounts, and I’m not going to mention names on this podcast because I don’t – I don’t need to be sued over all this, but I know that there is a collection agency in particular that has been in effect buying up old accounts.

So the cell phone company, “Here’s all our accounts for the last 10 years that we haven’t been able to collect”, and in some cases they’re actually fairly big numbers, I was looking at one this morning that was $10,000.

So I’m pretty sure the cell phone bill probably only started off as a thousand or two, but you add interest for 10 years it becomes a really big number, so now the collection agency has got a hold of it, they’re now pursuing the person, well they may be pursuing you in the U.S. or wherever you are, that may be the reason why the calls come in waves, it’s like, yeah, all of a sudden they bought all these old accounts and now they’re coming, so that could happen.

Okay, so we’ve talked about the scenario where I have Canadian debts, I’m a Canadian, I’m now living in the U.S., I’d like to deal with my Canadian debts through a bankruptcy or proposal. Now, in the story you just told, this particular person has been in the U.S. for a number of years so there is the possibility that she has also incurred debt in the U.S.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right.

Doug Hoyes:          Is it possible – or how do you handle that, I’ve got debt in both Canada and the U.S., so if I go bankrupt in Canada does it deal with my U.S. debts?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yes and no. If you were in Canada –

Doug Hoyes:          Yes and no?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah, that’s a problem.

Doug Hoyes:          Okay, that’s a good answer.

Rebecca Martyn:    So yes, in Canada, if you were living in Canada and had assets in Canada the U.S. creditors cannot pursue you in Canada, but if you have assets and income in the U.S. the U.S. creditors can still pursue you there. So yes, you’d probably have to file bankruptcy both in Canada to deal with your Canadian debts and in the U.S. to deal with your U.S. debts.

Doug Hoyes:          If I have them in both places. So okay, so I’ve got a couple of Visa cards in both places, I can’t pay any of them, I go bankrupt in Canada, would I list both my Canadian and U.S. credit cards on the paperwork?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yes, you would.

Doug Hoyes:          But the U.S. creditors are going to go, “Well we don’t care, it’s Canada, that’s a whole different country”, you know.

Rebecca Martyn:    That’s exactly it, yeah.

Doug Hoyes:          It’s, “We don’t care”, and vice versa it’s the same.

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah.

Doug Hoyes:          I list my – you know, on my Canadian bankruptcy I list my U.S. debts, on my U.S. debts I list my Canadian debts, the other country doesn’t care, “We don’t care, it’s not our department, all we care about is our stuff”. So even if it’s a Visa in both locations it doesn’t matter, a totally separate thing. So I go bankrupt in Canada, we notify the people I owe people money to in the U.S., but they don’t care –

Rebecca Martyn:    Right –

Doug Hoyes:          So if I’m living in the U.S., they could still do whatever they do in the U.S., phone me, take me to court, sue me, whatever –

Rebecca Martyn:    Correct –

Doug Hoyes:          For the U.S. debts. So that’s why it may be necessary to do a U.S. filing as well.

Rebecca Martyn:    Correct, yes.

Doug Hoyes:          And have you ever seen that happen?

Rebecca Martyn:    A few times I have.

Doug Hoyes:          The U.S. system is completely different than the Canadian system, we’re not going to do a podcast on that, but in general they have to find a lawyer in the U.S. to deal with their bankruptcy?

Rebecca Martyn:    Right.

Doug Hoyes:          Is it as simple as that. Well of course it’s more complicated than that, but in Canada all bankruptcies and consumer proposals are done by licensed insolvency trustees. In fact there’s a rule that says you cannot be a practicing lawyer and a licensed insolvency trustee at the same time, I think that’s a fantastic rule, I think that’s awesome.

In the U.S. there’s no such thing as a licensed insolvency trustee, all bankruptcies are done by lawyers and they don’t have consumer proposals, they have something different, I forget what it is, Chapter 11, Chapter 13, whatever it is. I think it’s called a Chapter 13 wage earner plan. So if you got U.S. debts, find yourself a U.S. attorney I guess is the short answer?

Rebecca Martyn:    That’s right.

Doug Hoyes:          Okay. So it is possible, and would you then do the filing at the same time, like they’d come in and see you on Monday and then go see their U.S. attorney on Tuesday or does it matter?

Rebecca Martyn:    I’m not sure it matters, but I mean there has to be some kind of coordination because when you file for bankruptcy in Canada you have to list all of your debts regardless of where they are and all of your assets regardless of where they are.

If you have no assets you probably can do them simultaneously, if you have assets then you have to do some coordination because then it’s a case of okay, do those assets belong to your Canadian creditors, do they belong to your U.S. creditors, do they belong to both. So you have to work out some logistical issues with the U.S. attorney.

Doug Hoyes:          Well that sounds like it gets pretty complicated.

Rebecca Martyn:    That could get complicated.

Doug Hoyes:          So you’re the trustee of the person in Canada and he says, “Oh yeah, I own a house in Michigan” –

Rebecca Martyn:    Right –

Doug Hoyes:          Well you now own a house in Michigan.

Rebecca Martyn:    Potentially, yes.

Doug Hoyes:          Because assets, it doesn’t matter where they are, you still want to realize on them for the benefit of the creditors. Now of course it’s not a simple matter for you to sell someone’s house in a foreign country, but in theory that’s an asset, but of course the U.S. bankruptcy process will also say, “Hey, wait a minute, we have first dibs on that”. So it sounds to me like that’s a case where if you’ve got debts in both places you’re really going to have to do some coordination, you’re going to have to talk to experts in both countries to sort that out.

Rebecca Martyn:    That’s right.

Doug Hoyes:          That does not sound like a simple matter. The vast majority of people you’re dealing with though do not have millions of dollars in assets, that’s the whole reason that they’ve got some financial difficulties.

Rebecca Martyn:    Exactly.

Doug Hoyes:          Okay, excellent. So any final advice you’d like to give us, any final words, you know, for someone who’s listening to this who has – you know, is living in the U.S. and has Canadian debts, what’s your overall advice?

Rebecca Martyn:    I mean the best-case situation would be that if you’re planning on severing your ties with one country and moving to the other, have – try to leave debt free, or as minimal debt as possible that you can deal with it if something negative happens, and we talk about this, it’s always on your podcast, having a plan to deal with unexpected circumstances.

So should you be moving to a foreign country when you have $50,000, $60,000 in debt, you know, maybe not. So maybe try to take care of that first, get it down to something more manageable or at least deal with it at that time, so start making a plan with your creditors at that point before it gets to the situation where you have to look at bankruptcy or a proposal, dealing with cross-border issues, it’s just going to complicate everything for you.

Doug Hoyes:          Yeah and I think that’s a very good point, I got a bunch of debt, well why not deal with it now before I move because it’s very rare that you move on two days notice.

Rebecca Martyn:    Correct.

Doug Hoyes:          It’s not kind of how it works, I assume there’s paperwork you got to have and –?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah, yeah –

Doug Hoyes:          I don’t know how that all works right, there’s paperwork right, there’s always paperwork. So I know I’ve got this job offer, I’m going to be moving to the States in a few months, great, get a proposal up and running now.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right.

Doug Hoyes:          And so if I start my proposal now and I move to the U.S., it just keeps on going, right?

Rebecca Martyn:    That’s exactly it.

Doug Hoyes:          So you get the payments out of their Canadian bank account, we just set it up pre-authorized payment –

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah –

Doug Hoyes:          So, so long as they’ve got a way to put money in their Canadian bank account –

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah –

Doug Hoyes:          It’s easy.

Rebecca Martyn:    It’s very easy.

Doug Hoyes:          Very easy. So I think that’s really good advice, get it dealt with before you move and then it’s dead simple. Now, are there any issues with crossing the border when I have debt? So if I’ve got a bunch of debt and I just, you know, move to the States and then I come back to visit my relatives here, are they going to stop me at the border because I’ve got all this debt?

Rebecca Martyn:    You know, you’d be surprised the number of people that actually ask me that question.

Doug Hoyes:          I know, I get asked it all the time.

Rebecca Martyn:    And no, there’s no concern about being stopped at the border because you owe credit card debt or lines of credit.

Doug Hoyes:          And now why is that, because I know with the new cannabis legislation that we’ve got coming in, there was something in the news back in, I don’t know when it was, August or September that said that – you know, some U.S. border guard was interviewed and he said, “Oh yeah, if you’re an investor in cannabis companies we’re not going to let you into the U.S.”, that was the quote. How they would know you’re an investor I don’t know, but that was a thing. So when the border guard is checking, and you cross the border all the time right –

Rebecca Martyn:    Mm-hmm –

Doug Hoyes:          They’re not calling up your credit report?

Rebecca Martyn:    They’re not calling up your credit report, they’re calling up your passport number or your NEXUS number to see what your travel habits are. They’re asking you questions about what you brought back, they’re not asking you about your debt.

Doug Hoyes:          And they can check your criminal record I assume?

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah.

Doug Hoyes:          So if you’re a murderer then, yeah, maybe there’s an issue, but credit has nothing to do with it.

Rebecca Martyn:    Nothing, nothing to do with it.

Doug Hoyes:          The border doesn’t care if you owe the bank money or not.

Rebecca Martyn:    Right.

Doug Hoyes:          So okay, and I think that’s – you’re right, and I get asked that question all the time and I’m not in a border town, you are, and I think that’s a very important thing for people to realize, that the border is looking for criminal activity, if you owe money to somebody that’s not a criminal thing, that’s a business thing, you just owe money, not a big deal at all.

So that would be an argument in favour of, yeah, move, don’t worry about it, but obviously we talked about all the reasons – other reasons why it is a good thing to deal with. Okay, so deal with it before you go and have a plan, that’s the general advice that you’ve got.

Rebecca Martyn:    Yeah, that’s exactly it.

Doug Hoyes:          Excellent. So if people have questions because they’re either living in the U.S. and they’ve got Canadian debt, or they’re living in Canada and they’ve got U.S. debt, or they’re considering moving or something, what’s the best way to get in touch with you?

Rebecca Martyn:    They can reach us at our website, and then you can find a link there how to contact me.

Doug Hoyes:          And it’s Rebecca Martyn, M-A-R-T-Y-N.

Rebecca Martyn:    That’s right, with a Y, Martyn with a Y.

Doug Hoyes:          Don’t spell it with an I, that’s not good. So excellent, I think that’s a great way to end it. Rebecca, thanks for being here.

Rebecca Martyn:    Thanks for having me.

Doug Hoyes:          That’s our show for today. As always, the show notes with links to everything we discussed today and a full transcript can be found at, that’s and as Rebecca just said, if you got questions about American and Canadian debts, you can contact Rebecca to ask her questions through the links at, and I’ll even put links in the show notes to Rebecca’s Twitter feed if you want to follow her there.

I’ve got lots more great guests coming up so don’t miss an episode, subscribe to the audio version of Debt Free in 30 on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and the video version can be found on our Debt Free in 30 YouTube channel. So until next week, thanks for listening. I’m Doug Hoyes, that was Debt Free in 30.

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Debt Free in 30 Podcast with Doug Hoyes

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